§ 8.32.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Automated Teller Machine" shall mean a device, linked to a financial institution's account record which is able to carry out transactions, including, but not limited to, account transfers, deposits, cash withdrawals, balance inquiries and mortgage and loan payments.


    "Automated Teller Machine Facility" shall mean the area comprised of one or more automated teller machines and any adjacent space which is made available to banking customers after regular banking hours.


    "Obstruct" shall mean to hinder or slow progress, to retard progress, to make accomplishment of obtaining a goal; slower or more difficult, to be or come in the way of or impeded.


    "Public Place" shall mean a place to which the public or a substantial part of the public has access, including streets, highways, transportation facilities, schools, places of amusement, parks, playgrounds and the common areas of public and private buildings and facilities, including parking lots or any other area intended for use by the public. It shall include the front, entryway, doorway or vestibule or area of immediate access to any public place, store, shop, restaurant, tavern or other place of business.


    "Soliciting" shall mean to knowingly approach, accost or stop another person in a public place and to make a request, whether by spoken words, bodily gestures, written signs or other means, for a gift of money or other thing of value. Soliciting includes but is not limited to, seeking a donation where the person being solicited receives an item of little or no monetary value in exchange for a donation, under circumstances where a reasonable person would understand that the purchase is in substance a donation, or begging or panhandling. Soliciting does not include passively standing or sitting with a sign or other indication that one is seeking donations, without addressing any solicitation to any specific person, other than in response to an inquiry by that person.

(Ord. No. 23-2009, § 1, 9-21-2009)