§ 8.24.040. Accumulation and deposit of garbage prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall deposit or place any garbage, rubbish, waste material or ashes in such a manner that the same is or tends to endanger the public health. No person having the occupancy, control or management of any premises shall cause or permit any garbage, waste material, rubbish or ashes to be accumulated thereon in such a manner that the same is a nuisance or in such a manner as it endangers the public health. No person shall in any manner throw, place, scatter, deposit or bury any garbage, rubbish, waste materials or ashes in or upon any public street, alley or other public place or upon his or her own premises or the premises of another.

    (Prior code § 15-1-4)

(Ord. No. 21-2010, 8-2-2010)