§ 17.88.045. Table 1—Public notice and hearing requirements for land use applications.  

Latest version.
  • Abbreviations:

    BOT - Board of Trustees
    PC - Planning Commission
    BOA - Board of Adjustment
    CRS - Colorado Revised Statutes

    Type of Land Use
    Newspaper Post Proof PC
    1. Annexation (C.R.S. 31-12-101 et seq.) See C.R.S. See C.R.S. See C.R.S. See C.R.S. Yes Yes No
    2. Site plan No No No No No No No
    3. Uses by special review Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    4. Amendments - Site plan, uses by special review No No No No No No No
    5. Sketch PD plan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    6. Preliminary PD site plan and PD zoning regulations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    7. Final PD site plan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    8. Major PD site plan amendment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    9. Minor PD site plan amendment No No No No No No No
    10. Variance request Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
    11. Rezone and/or zoning map change Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    12. Change to zoning or subdivision ordinances No Yes No No Yes Yes No
    13. Sketch plat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    14. Preliminary plat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    15. Final plat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    16. Minor plat/replat/lot line adjustment Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No



    1. Written Notice. The applicant is required to provide notice to property owners within five hundred (500) feet by certified mail at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing.

    2. Publication Notice. Notice is to be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of hearing by the Development Services Department.

    3. Posted Notice. The applicant is required to post the property in a manner prescribed by the Department at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the hearing. The Director of Development Services may waive the public notice requirements for a lot line adjustment of an interior lot line.

    4. Proof of Notice. The applicant is required to provide an affidavit of posting of public notice to the Department at least five (5) days prior to the hearing.

    5. Under certain circumstances a minor plat, replat or lot line adjustment shall require public hearings at the planning commission and board of trustees. Therefore, public notice for these hearings shall be required.

    (Ord. 01-2007; Ord. 12-2001 § 1)

    (Ord. No. 22-2012, 12-3-2012)
