§ 17.76.100. Notice.  

Latest version.
  • Notice of the proposed vesting of property rights under this chapter shall be given by inclusion of the following language in the notice of ordinance consideration required under this code.

    The ordinance includes a provision by which vested property rights will be created in the real property subject to this ordinance, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17.76 of the Monument Municipal Code and Article 68 of Title 24, Colorado Revised Statutes.

    Within fourteen (14) days after the approval of a site specific development plan, the Town shall publish notice in the official newspaper of the Town advising the public of the approval of the site specific development plan, of the creation of a vested property right under the site specific development plan, and of the effective date of the Town's motion, resolution or ordinance approving the site specific development plan. The period of time permitted under law for referendum and judicial review shall not commence to run until such publication; however, the failure to timely publish shall not otherwise void the approval or the validity of the site specific development plan. Such publication may be considered within any other notice of publication required under the code for land use approval of the site specific development plan.

(Ord. 13-97 (part): prior code § 13.24.100)