§ 17.60.120. Design of parking areas.  

Latest version.
  • The following design standards of this chapter shall be met for all parking areas provided, whether or not the parking area is required by the Monument Municipal Code, except where the parking area is to serve single-family and attached single-family residential uses.


    Access. Each access between a public street and the parking lot shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet wide for one-way circulation nor more than thirty (30) feet wide for two-way circulation at the intersection of the access with the public street. The minimum two-way circulation access shall not be less than twenty-four (24) feet. Additional width may be allowed by the Development Services Director or designee in particular instances.


    Parking Area Layout. Every parking area shall be designed according to Figure 1, presented later in this section.


    Lighting. Security lighting shall be provided in all parking areas used or designed for use from sunset to sunrise. The lighting shall not be directed towards any adjacent residentially zoned areas or public streets.


    Drainage Plans. A drainage plan in conformance with the Town's regulations shall be submitted for review to the Town. Such drainage plan or system shall be approved by the Town prior to the construction of any off-street parking.


    Snow Storage. All off-street parking areas shall include space for snow storage and removal of snow. Up to fifteen (15) percent of the required parking spaces (not including ADA accessible parking spaces) may be designed for snow storage and removal.


    Striping. All parking spaces within multi-family, business, commercial and industrial districts are required to be delineated by a four-inch wide painted stripe.


    Screening. Where abutting a legal, conforming residential use or zoning district, commercial parking areas shall be screened from the residential use utilizing coniferous vegetation, opaque fencing, wall, berm or similar visual barrier of a minimum five feet in height. For residential uses that are developed after an adjacent, built commercial area that was not subject to this requirement, the required screening shall be installed by the residential developer.


    Wheel Stops. All parking spaces abutting sidewalks less than six feet wide shall provide bumper/wheel stops, unless otherwise exempted by the Director of Development Services or designee. Wheel stops shall meet the distance requirement and be located as delineated in Figure 1.


    Parking Area Landscaping. In a parking area with ten (10) or more spaces which is not inside a garage, one tree of a type suitable for parking areas shall be provided for every ten (10) vehicular parking spaces. The tree types and minimum planter sizes shall be consistent with the landscape guidelines, adopted by the Town of Monument. The required trees may be clustered within the parking lot but shall be located to divide and break up expanses of paving and long rows of parking spaces to create a canopy effect. In order to be considered within the parking lot, the trees must be located in planters or islands that are bounded on at least three sides by parking area paving. Only trees in parking area planters or landscaped islands can count towards the parking area tree requirement. Planters or landscape islands shall be a minimum of one hundred sixty-two (162) square feet, with a minimum width of nine feet, to accommodate the growth of trees and to prevent damage to the trees by vehicles. Protection of existing tree(s) may be accomplished by relocation to other areas of the parking area.


    Stacking. Where stacking of vehicles is required, the stacking calculation shall be eight feet wide by twenty (20) feet in length. Stacking areas shall not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian circulation. (Refer to Section 17.60.140, Table 1, uses that have stacking requirements for drive-thru lanes.)

    Figure 1 - Parking Space Dimensions (in feet)


    Parking Angle
    Stall Width
    Depth of Space
    Width of Aisle

    One-Way or

    Length Along

    Wheel Stop*
    0 9 9 15 or 24 23 0
    20 9 15 15 or 24 26.3 0.7
    30 9 17.3 15 or 24 18 1
    40 9 19.1 15 or 24 14 1.3
    45 9 19.8 15 or 24 12.7 1.4
    50 9 20.4 15 or 24 11.7 1.5
    60 9 21 15 or 24 10.4 1.7
    70 9 21 15 or 24 9.6 1.9
    80 9 20.3 15 or 24 9.1 2
    90 9 18 15 or 24 9 2


    *Wheel stop location may be calculated as part of space depth.

    (Ord. 13-97 (part): prior code § 13.15.120)

(Ord. No. 21-2012, 12-3-2012)