§ 17.60.070. Exclusive use for parking spaces.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No off-street parking space shall be used for any purpose other than parking of vehicles or for seasonal snow storage (see Section 17.60.120.E.). No obstruction shall be placed on any off-street parking space which may interfere with its utility as a parking space. If an off-street parking space is converted to another use or can no longer be used for off-street parking space, it shall be replaced immediately by another off-street parking space meeting all of the requirements of this chapter.


    In residential districts no truck exceeding two and one-half ton capacity, no truck-tractor or semi-trailer, earth moving equipment or other similar vehicle, object or machine which conflicts with the residential character of a neighborhood shall be parked or stored on any subdivided lot or within the public right-of-way or roadway, or for living or housekeeping purposes. Exceptions to this section are vehicles which may temporarily be conducting business within residential districts.


    The on-site parking of recreational vehicles in a residential zone district is allowed subject to the following restrictions:


    No recreational vehicle may be stored or parked on the property closer than eighteen (18) inches to the sidewalk or other nearest public right-of-way line.


    No recreational vehicle shall be parked in the sight triangle defined in Section 17.60.120.


    No parked recreational vehicle may be used for the conduct of business or for living or housekeeping purposes.


    The recreational vehicle must be secured such that the vehicle is not moved by high winds.


    No recreational vehicle shall be stored out-of-doors on a residential lot unless it is in a safe, working condition.


    A recreational vehicle is permitted only on a driveway or adjacent and parallel to a driveway on a single-family residential lot, or in the paved parking lot of a multi-family residential community. In a single-family residential district, the recreational vehicle must be parked on the side of the driveway closest to the property line, or close to the house within the side yard, space permitting. If parked in the side yard, the recreational vehicle shall not extend past the house's front building line, excluding porches and/or stairs.


    The recreational vehicle must be parked on a hard surface such as, but not limited to, asphalt, concrete, rock, gravel or pavers. The area must be specifically designed for parking use and must be properly maintained. Parking on any grass and/or dirt area is prohibited.

    (Ord. 13-97 (part): prior code § 13.15.070)

(Ord. No. 04-2012, 3-19-2012; Ord. No. 21-2012, 12-3-2012)