§ 17.56.180. Temporary signs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Temporary signs advertising subdivision, development, construction or other improvement of a property in any area are permitted only if they are:


    Limited to freestanding, wall or window signs not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet per face, sixty-four (64) square feet in total area and eight feet in height, with no riders or attachments.


    Displayed only on property within the development allowing one such sign per street upon which the development either has frontage or one sign per entrance into the development. The minimum horizontal spacing between signs shall be three hundred (300) feet.


    In the case of a multiple lot subdivision, temporary signs displayed on or after the date of official filing of the subdivision plat or final PD site plan must be removed within thirty (30) days of the issuance of a building permit for the last undeveloped lot or sale if the model home if it is the last residence that sells.


    One corporate flag will be allowed to be displayed on the same flag pole and underneath the American flag for single family residential model homes. The corporate flag may be displayed until the last building permit is issued for the subdivision, or the corporate flag can remain displayed if the model home is the last residence that sells. The maximum size of the corporate flag may not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet. Maximum flag pole height is thirty-five (35) feet.




    For a bona fide business grand opening or close of business sale, one banner may be displayed on a building wall of the establishment without a permit for a maximum of thirty (30) days, provided the sign is no larger than one-half square foot for every linear foot of the length of the building it is mounted on and shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. In addition, two pennants or streamers may also be displayed outdoors on the site of the business for a maximum of thirty (30) days concurrent with the display of a banner without a permit.


    A "Sale" banner sign may be displayed once a month on a building wall of the establishment for a maximum of ten (10) days, without a permit in the B General Business District and C1 General Commercial District. The banner cannot exceed thirty (30) square feet. In addition, two pennants or streamers may also be displayed outdoors on the site of the business for a maximum of ten (10) days (concurrent with the display of the banner sign) without a permit.


    All other banner signs for a business or non-residential use shall satisfy the following criteria:


    Only one banner shall be displayed on any lot or property at any one time;


    The banner shall be located on the same property as the business or event that it is advertising;


    The banner shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet in the B General Business District or thirty (30) square feet in the C1 General Commercial District;


    The banner must be displayed on a permanent base designed and constructed of durable materials such as wood posts at least four inches by four inches in size, or metal posts at least two inches in diameter that are intended for the display of the banner (metal fence posts are not permitted), or on the wall of a building, and shall be in conformance with the general criteria and the sign standards for the zone district, including architectural compatibility;


    The square footage of the banner shall count toward the maximum square footage allowed. If wall mounted, it will count toward the maximum square footage for a wall mounted sign. If mounted on a display base, it shall count toward the maximum square footage of the type of freestanding sign located on the property—either a monument sign or freestanding sign.


    A sign permit is required and the Planning Department may place conditions on the permit in order to achieve compliance with the approval criteria outlined above.


    Banners and sandwich signs advertising special events for nonprofit or charitable organizations are allowed without a permit if they conform to the standards outlined in subsections a.—f. below. They may be displayed for up to fourteen (14) days prior to an event or series of events, and must be removed within three days of the last event. One banner and/or sandwich sign may be displayed on the property where the event will be held. The Planning Department may grant approval for display at another location, provided the location is appropriate for advertising the event and the banner otherwise complies with all of the nonprofit or charitable organization banner approval standards outlined below.


    A non-profit or charitable organization must be recognized by the State of Colorado or the Internal Revenue Service as tax exempt;


    The banner or sandwich sign shall not have a negative effect on neighboring businesses or property in that it shall not block their entrance(s) or impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or block signage of the neighboring property, or otherwise create a nuisance;


    The banner or sandwich sign shall not create a safety hazard;


    The banner shall not be displayed above the parapet of the roof (or equivalent roof feature in the absence of a parapet) of the building on which it is mounted;


    The banner shall be a maximum of thirty (30) square feet, as measured on one side of the banner. Banners permitted hereunder shall not be counted against the maximum sign area as provided by this Code;


    The sandwich sign shall be a maximum of nine square feet, as measured on one side of the sign, and shall not exceed three feet in height. Sandwich signs permitted hereunder shall not be counted against the maximum sign area for a monument sign or freestanding sign as provided by this Code;


    Banner Boards.


    Non-profit or charitable organizations are allowed to use banner boards, advertising special events for up to fourteen (14) days prior to the event at locations determined by the Board of Trustees. The banner boards are intended to prevent the proliferation of off-premise signs within the Town. The number, size, height, location, and design of the banner boards shall be by resolution approved by the Board of Trustees. The location of the banner boards will require written permission from the property owner(s) on whose land the banner board will be located. Planning Staff may authorize the installation of banner board(s) within Town right-of-way at its sole discretion. Use of the banner boards requires the organization to register with the Planning Department at no cost. Registration by an organization is required each time a banner board(s) is used for a special event. The registration will allow the Planning Department to track the use of the banner boards and ensure compliance with the following criteria:


    Each banner board can be a maximum of six feet tall by ten (10) feet wide. Banner boards may be two-sided and can be opened to a maximum angle of forty-five (45) degrees if dictated by location and topography. Each banner board has a maximum display area of thirty (30) square feet per face.


    Use of the banner boards will be on a first come, first serve basis. Multiple banner boards may be used by a non-profit or charitable organization at one time.


    Each banner space on a banner board can be used for a maximum of fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the special event.


    The maximum size of an individual banner is three feet high by ten (10) feet long with a maximum size of thirty (30) square feet. The banner board located at Location 4 has an additional display area of three feet by eight feet that can also be used as display area.


    Banners must be removed from the banner boards no more than three days after the event has ended.


    Use of the banner boards is limited to non-profit or charitable organizations that provide direct benefit to the Town of Monument or the Tri-Lakes region.


    The banner boards shall not be illuminated.


    Process. The process for administering the banner boards will be established by the Planning Department and can be amended as needed.


    Sandwich signs may be displayed in the B General Business Zone District or in pedestrian areas in the C1 General Commercial Zone. Sandwich signs are subject to the following criteria:


    The sign shall not have a negative effect on neighboring businesses or property in that it shall not block their entrance(s), impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic, block signage of the neighboring property, or otherwise create a nuisance or safety hazard;


    The sign shall be displayed within one hundred (100) feet of the building in which the business establishment is located, or within one hundred (100) feet of the property line of any outdoor business it is advertising;


    The sign shall be a maximum of nine square feet, as measured on one side of the sign and shall not exceed three feet in height;


    Sandwich signs shall not be counted against the applicant's maximum sign area for either a freestanding sign or monument sign as provided by this Code;


    One sandwich sign is allowed per business establishment.


    Historic Monument Merchants Association "Open" flags may be displayed on the face of a building and do not require a permit.

(Ord. No. 11-2011, 6-6-2011; Ord. No. 16-2013 , 5-6-2013; Ord. No. 18-2014 , 5-5-2014; Ord. No. 08-2015, 3-2-2015 ; Ord. No. 15-2016 , § 1, 9-6-2016)