§ 17.56.130. Application and administration.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The owner of the property (or an agent for the owner), the owner of the building (or an agent for the owner), and the owner of the business (or an agent for the business owner) shall apply for all sign permits for the property. It is the responsibility of the owner of the property to allocate sign area and types of signs for the lot. Private covenants or leasing agreements that are more strict than the requirements of this chapter shall be enforced through the private agreements and not by the Town. The Town requires the development of overall sign master plans for all developments where there is more than one tenant or business.


    No permit is required for routine maintenance, or for replacement or repair of a sign or sign structure that has been damaged from an Act of God or an accident. The sign must conform to all of the applicable provisions of this chapter, with no change in the design or location of the sign. Change of copy shall require a permit.


    No person issued a sign permit under this chapter shall change, modify, alter or otherwise deviate from the terms or conditions of the permit without first requesting and obtaining approval to do so from the Planning Department.


    If the Town finds that work under any permit issued does not comply with the information supplied in the permit application or violates any provision of this chapter, any special condition or regulation placed thereon, or any other ordinance of the Town, the Code Enforcement Officer shall notify, in writing, the owner of the business for which the sign applies. If the violation is not corrected within thirty (30) days, the Planning Department shall revoke the permit and cause the sign to be removed in accordance with Section 17.56.060 'Removal'.


    If any person to whom a permit is granted under this chapter has not commenced work on the sign within six months from the date the permit was issued, the permit will automatically expire.


    Upon a written request, the Planning Director may grant an extension of the time limits for construction delays, lease vacancies and other justifiable circumstances that are not the result of willful acts or neglect by the applicant so long as the sign or sign structure continues to be properly maintained and does not pose a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the Town citizens and remains visually compatible with this Code.


    The Planning Director shall not refund any permit fees paid under this chapter if any permit is revoked or expires under this section.

(Ord. No. 11-2011, 6-6-2011; Ord. No. 08-2015, 3-2-2015 )