§ 17.56.100. Non-conforming signs in existence at the time of enactment.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Records of sign permits, violations and information on each sign shall be maintained as part of the Planning Department files of the Town.


    Except as specifically provided to the contrary in this chapter, all nonconforming signs in existence at the time of the enactment of this chapter, except those prohibited in Section 17.56.120 'Prohibitions', may be continued and shall be maintained in good condition provided that a legal nonconforming sign may not:


    Be structurally changed except to meet the safety requirements of this chapter or, with a permit, changed or altered to become a lawful permitted sign;


    Be altered so as to increase the degree of nonconformity of the sign;


    Be expanded;


    Be moved except as specifically provided pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.56.130 'Application and administration';


    Be re-established after its discontinuance for one hundred eighty (180) days except as specifically authorized pursuant to the provisions of Sections 17.56.050 'Sign standards in residential zones (R1, R2, and R3)' and 17.56.130 'Application and administration';


    Be continued in use after cessation of the activity to which the sign pertains, except as specifically authorized pursuant to the provisions of Sections 17.56.050 'Sign standards in residential zones (R1, R2, and R3) and 17.56.130 'Application and administration';


    Be continued in use after a change of use or activity to which the sign pertains if such change requires alteration of fifty (50) percent or more of the sign message.

(Ord. No. 11-2011, 6-6-2011; Ord. No. 08-2015, 3-2-2015 )