§ 17.52.030. Application and review.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the board of trustees or their designees to review all landscape plans.


    Landscaping Plan. The applicant shall prepare a landscaping plan of adequate scale and size which includes the information in subsection D below.


    The landscape plan shall contain as a minimum the following:


    Name of owner, developer and property address;


    North arrow and appropriate scale (as approved by the planning director);


    Topographic contours at an interval of no greater than two (2) feet and spot elevations of the final grading plan shall identify: landscaping areas needing slope protection, berms, swales and/or ditches;


    Location, type and size of existing plant material;


    Location, type, size and quantity of proposed plants and other materials. Common and botanical names shall be identified adjacent to all plant material and by use of key and legend. A table shall list the plant requirements and the proposed plants, the size of plants at maturity, and the water usage rating;


    Location and type of the irrigation system if provided;


    Location, size, surface materials and color of all landscaping structures, features and parking areas and trails;


    Illumination elements as to size, location and type;


    Connection points with existing pedestrian or bicycle paths and drainage systems will be identified;


    The following statement shall appear on the landscaping plan and shall be signed by the owner/developer, except for single family residential lots:

    The undersigned owner/developer understands that all improved land must conform to the regulations set forth in Title 17 of the Monument Municipal Code. The owner/developer agrees to abide by these regulations and to improve and maintain the land as indicated on the approved landscaping plan. This shall apply to all future owners, heirs, or assigns.

    Signed: (Owner or Authorized Agent)

(Ord. 13-97 (part): prior code § 13.13.030; Ord. No. 21-2017 , § 1, 10-2-2017)