§ 17.48.190. Accessory uses—Communication/satellite dishes.  

Latest version.
  • Communication/satellite dishes may be located on any property as an accessory use thereto, providing they meet the following criteria:


    The diameter of the dish cannot exceed five (5) feet except for a dish(es) for a non-residential use, or as permitted by Federal regulations.


    The mounting post for the dish cannot exceed in height the radius of the dish.


    The installation of the dish must be in compliance with any and all state and federal regulations.


    The dish must be located to the rear of any residence on a residential lot and in the rear one-half of any lot zoned for any other use.


    The dish must meet all setback requirements for an accessory structure, and, prior to receiving a land use permit, the owner must submit and have approved a plan for screening or landscaping to eliminate any adverse visual effects toward neighboring properties.

(Ord. No. 16-2011, 9-6-2011)