§ 17.48.130. Visibility at intersections.  

Latest version.
  • No solid object exceeding eight inches in width and thirty-six inches (36) in height, including but not limited to fences, walls, landscape plantings, and signs, shall be placed at a street intersection or intersection of a street and driveway within a triangular area described as follows:


    At the intersection of two private streets, or the intersection of a driveway with a private street, beginning at the point of intersection of the edges of the driving surface then to points fifteen (15) feet along both intersecting edges, and then along a direct line connecting these points;


    At the intersection of a private or public street with a public street, beginning at the point of intersection of the edges of the driving surface then to points twenty-five (25) feet along both intersecting edges, and then along a direct line connecting these points;


    All intersections shall also comply with Detail DT 25 of the Town of Monument Roadway Standards, if more restrictive.

(Ord. No. 16-2011, 9-6-2011)