§ 17.40.250. Additional requirements for industrial uses.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Site Features.


    Adjacency. The structure containing the use shall be located a minimum of five hundred (500) feet from the boundary of any residential zone or any residential PD.


    Traffic. Traffic generated by the use shall not impact nearby residential streets.


    Buffer. A minimum fifty (50) foot wide landscaped buffer shall be provided along any property line where an industrial use is adjacent to a less intense use or Zone District. If an industrial use has already been established, then a buffer shall be provided within the new less intense development.


    Screening. A fence, wall, hedge, landscaping, earth berm, natural buffer area, or any combination thereof shall be provided to obscure an industrial use. The following specific uses or features in any PD zone district shall be screened so as to not be visible from adjacent property or from public right-of-way:


    Dumpster or trash-handling areas;


    Service entrances and utility facilities;


    Loading docks or spaces;


    Storage, material stocks, and equipment.

    Minimum height of screen shall be six feet at the time the screen is installed.


    Screening—Trees. For every twenty-five linear feet of property line where screening is required, an evergreen tree meeting the standards of these regulations shall be planted and maintained.


    Enclosure. Every industrial use in a PHID or PID, or PD zone district, unless expressly exempted by the board of trustees, shall be operated in its entirety within a completely enclosed structure. Screening of large commercial vehicles such as trash collection trucks, etc. from the public right-of-way and any surrounding residential properties is required.


    Prevention of Road Damage. Roads serving heavy industrial uses shall be designed and built to support the maximum axle weight for vehicles serving the property on a recurring basis. New industrial uses with heavy vehicles may be required to upgrade the street they are located on to accommodate heavy vehicles.


    External Effects. Town staff shall ensure that the following standards are met. If a consultant's services are necessary, the applicant/owner shall be responsible for the consulting fees.


    Noise. Noise generated on the property shall not exceed eighty (80) dB between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and seventy-five (75) dB between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Noise generated on the property shall not exceed the above levels at the perimeter of the property.


    Vibration. Every use shall be so operated that the ground vibration inherently and recurrently generated is not perceptible, without instruments, at any point of any boundary line of the zone lot on which the use is located. The owner of an industrial use regularly emitting vibrations shall be required to submit an annual report from a qualified professional documenting compliance with the following standards. The Town may request additional reports if there is a complaint and/or evidence to suggest that vibrations being emitted may be exceeding the standards. Exceptions: (1) Vibrations from temporary construction, (2) Vehicles in an adjoining right-of-way.

    Maximum permitted steady state and impact vibration displacements:

    (Cycles per
    Displacement in Inches
    Steady State Impact
    Under 10 .0055 .0010
    10—19 .0044 .0008
    20—29 .0033 .0006
    30—39 .0002 .0004
    40 and over .0001 .0002



    Material Handling and Waste Disposal. No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a property in such form or manner that they may be transferred off the property by natural causes or forces.


    Radioactivity. The airborne emission of radioactive material shall comply with the latest provisions of the State of Colorado rules and regulations pertaining to radiation control.


    Prevention of Water Pollution. All uses shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, orders and regulations concerning the prevention and abatement of water pollution, including the Clean Water Act. Use will be conducted by methods that will prevent entrance or accidental spillage of solid matter, contaminants, debris, and other objectionable pollutants and wastes into streams, flowing or dry water courses, and underground water sources. Such pollutants and wastes include, but are not restricted to, refuse, garbage, cement, concrete, sewage effluent, industrial waste, radioactive substances, oil and other petroleum products, aggregate processing tailings, mineral salts and thermal pollution. Wastewater shall not enter streams, water courses or other surface waters.


    Abatement of Air Pollution. The use shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations concerning the prevention and control of air pollution. In conduct of construction activities and operation of equipment, the use will incorporate such practicable methods and devices as are available to control, prevent and otherwise reduce atmospheric emissions or discharges of air contaminants. The emission of dust into the atmosphere will not be permitted. The use shall incorporate such methods and equipment as are necessary for the collection and disposal or prevention of dust during operations.


    Carcinogens. Use of carcinogens in the manufacturing or distribution process is prohibited. Carcinogens shall be defined as agents determined by the federal or state government to be cancer-causing and which agents have been banned by either the federal or state government. The board of trustees may also consider whether or not it is in the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Monument if the applicant is using carcinogenic materials in the manufacturing or distribution process which have been found in laboratory research to produce cancer in human beings.


    Smoke Emissions. No person shall emit or cause to be emitted into the atmosphere from any air contamination source of emission whatsoever any air contaminant which is of such a shade or density as to obscure an observer's vision to a degree in excess of twenty (20) percent opacity.


    Odors. It is a violation if odors are detected after the odorous air has been diluted with seven or more volumes of odor-free air.


    Other Emissions. Emissions of electromagnetic radiation, heat or glare shall in no case endanger human health, cause damage to vegetation on property, interfere with the normal operation of equipment or instruments, or interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of property located outside the lot on which a use is operated.

(Ord. No. 05-2010, 2-1-2010)