§ 17.40.190. Final PD site plan—Submittal and review.  

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  • A.

    Description. The final PD site plan is the detailed development plan for a property which generally indicates the final planned use of the property, building and parking locations, building elevations, service connections, and final landscape plan and other important site improvements, including but not limited to, grading and erosion control, utilities, and lighting. A PD-zoned property must obtain final PD site plan and final plat approval prior to the issuance of land use permit and a building permit.


    Submittal Requirements. After the board of trustees has approved a preliminary PD site plan, design guidelines, and PD zoning regulations, the applicant may submit a final PD site plan. The final PD site plan shall substantially conform to the approved preliminary PD site plan and must comply with the established PD design guidelines and zoning regulations. Format and other requirements for a final PD site plan are set forth in administratively adopted checklists. If the director approves the submittal of a combined preliminary/final PD site plan, the plan shall conform to the submittal requirements and approval and review criteria for both preliminary and final PD site plans.


    Public Notice. Public notice for a final PD site plan or preliminary/final PD site plan shall be in accordance with Chapter 17.88 of this title.


    Review Process. After all documentation for the final PD site plan or preliminary/final PD site plan submittal has been properly received, reviewed by the Town Staff and other referral agencies, and modified plans and documents have been submitted if required, the development services department shall schedule such plan for review and recommendation by the planning commission, and for the final determination by the board of trustees. The board of trustees shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the final PD site plan. If the preliminary PD site plan authorizes administrative approval by staff, then staff shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the final PD site plan approval.


    Review and Approval Criteria. The Town must be satisfied that the final PD site plan or preliminary/final PD site plan has adequately addressed the following criteria in a manner consistent with public health, safety and welfare:


    The final PD site plan conforms to or is consistent with the preliminary PD site plan.


    There is an appropriate relationship to the surrounding areas;


    Circulation in terms of an internal street circulation system designed for the type of traffic generated, safety, separation from living areas, convenience, access, handicap access, noise and exhaust control. Though generally discouraged, private internal streets may be considered where appropriate to the development. A proper institutional framework, such as a metropolitan or special district must be established for maintenance thereof for the life of the streets. The streets shall be accessible by police and fire department and other emergency vehicles for emergency purposes, and to service vehicles such as trash trucks. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation and connections shall be provided;


    Functional parks, open space, and trails in terms of recreation, views, density relief, convenience, function, connectivity, and optimum preservation of natural features including trees, shrubs, wildlife habitat, scenic areas and riparian and drainage areas are provided in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan and Town Subdivision Regulations (Title 16).


    A variety of development and housing types and styles, and densities are proposed. Mixed land use is encouraged;


    Privacy for individuals, families and neighbors is provided as appropriate;


    The adequacy, safety, separation, convenience, access to points of destination, and connectivity, and attractiveness of pedestrian and bicycle facilities;


    Building type in terms of appropriateness to density, site relationship and bulk;


    Building design in terms of orientation, spacing, materials, exterior color and texture, storage and lighting result in a quality architectural design that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The Town discourages the placement of identical or similar residential models on any two adjoining lots along a street;


    The landscaping is a quality design that enhances the site and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood as shown by amount, types, and materials used. Entrance features are encouraged. The proposed landscaping will not create maintenance problems and is suitable for the site and neighborhood including plant hardiness. A xeriscape design that will conserve water is required;


    Adequate off-street parking will be provided:


    Particularly for single-family residences in a PD, required front-yard setbacks should be established and driveways should be arranged so as to provide off-street parking therein without causing parked autos to block sidewalks.


    The Town may increase or decrease the normally required number of off-street parking spaces based on a consideration of the following factors:


    The relationship of the proposed modifications to the stated purposes and intent of this PD regulation,


    Probable number of vehicles owned by residents in the planned development,


    Parking needs in non-residential areas,


    Varying time period of use, whenever joint use of common parking areas is proposed,


    Availability and use of alternative transportation methods.


    The final PD site plan or preliminary/final PD site plan has been shown to fit within the context of the planned land use pattern and roadway and utility systems of the larger surrounding area.


    Recording. Upon approval by the board of trustees, the applicant shall have three hundred sixty-five (365) days to submit to the Town the approved final PD or preliminary/final PD site plan, design guidelines, and zoning regulations on twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch sheets appropriate for recording, with all landowner, lienholder and mortgagee, surveyor and title commitment signatures and recordation fees, Any other documents approved in conjunction with the final PD site plan or preliminary/final PD site plan must be recorded simultaneously. The director of development services may approve the recording of the design guidelines, and zoning regulations as separate documents. The applicant may make a request to the staff for an extension of the approval and recordation period prior to the end of the initial three hundred sixty-five (365) day period. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to ensure the request is made prior to the expiration of the approval period. Staff may grant an extension(s) not to exceed a total of two additional years if the site plan is consistent with the review and approval criteria and there is adequate justification for the extension. Beyond three years from the board of trustees approval date, the granting of any additional request for an extension shall be in the sole discretion of the board of trustees, and shall be based on a finding of whether the project conforms to the current Town Code and Review and Approval Criteria and that there is adequate justification for the extension. After the three hundred sixty-five (365) days if the approval time period has not been extended in accordance with this section, the approval of the final PD site plan, design guidelines, and PD zoning regulations or preliminary/final PD Site Plan, design guidelines, and zoning regulations shall lapse. A fee may be imposed for processing the extension requests.

(Ord. No. 05-2010, 2-1-2010; Ord. No. 22-2012, 12-3-2012)