§ 17.40.140. Sketch PD plan.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Description. The sketch PD plan is a conceptual version of the preliminary PD site plan. In preliminary fashion, the sketch PD plan indicates the proposed uses and densities of the property including open space, parks, and regional trail corridors and major planned roadways and utility services.


    Submittal Requirements and Review Process. Following the preapplication conference, the applicant shall submit a sketch PD plan for review and comment by the Town staff. The director of development services may waive the sketch PD plan submittal based upon a determination that the proposed development is consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan and the preliminary PD site plan review and approval criteria and is not anticipated to be a controversial application. If determined to be a requirement, the director of development services shall refer the sketch PD plan to the planning commission who will make a recommendation to the board of trustees who shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the sketch PD plan based on the review and approval criteria herein.


    Review and Approval Criteria. The sketch PD plan must adequately address the following criteria in a manner consistent with the general public interest, health, safety and welfare:


    Quality and functionality of open space reservations are appropriate to the site;


    Appropriate relationship exists between use areas, both internal and surrounding, with adequate buffer areas provided if warranted;


    Circulation system provides adequate accessibility;


    Trail system provides adequate internal circulation and makes appropriate external connections;


    Phasing plan presents a logical development sequence for sub-areas of the PD designed to provide for cost-effective roadway, utility and other infrastructure and service extensions, minimizes unnecessary utility extensions, and adequately addresses other fiscal concerns of the Town;


    Utility service is physically feasible and economically capable of being connected to the Town system, unless such connection requirement is specifically waived by the Town;


    The sketch PD plan layout and density are sensitive to the site's major environmental characteristics including topography, view sheds, and vegetation;


    The plan is consistent with Town's Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time of application, and other relevant Town goals and policies.


    Public Notice for a sketch PD plan shall be in accordance with Chapter 17.88 of this title. The board of trustees hearing must be at least seven calendar days after the planning commission hearing. Recording of the sketch PD site plan is not required.

(Ord. No. 05-2010, 2-1-2010)