§ 17.40.010. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • In accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes, 24-67-101, et seq., the Planned Unit Development Act of 1972, the purpose of the PD district is:


    To permit diversification of the Town zoning plan or part of the plan without in any way jeopardizing or reducing zoning standards which promote the public safety, convenience, health and general welfare and preserve personal and property rights;


    To preserve to the greatest extent possible the existing landscape features and amenities and to utilize such features in harmonious fashion;


    To promote the efficient use of land to facilitate a more economic arrangement of buildings, circulation systems and utilities;


    To promote creative flexibility in design and permit planned diversification in the location and use of structures;


    To allow compatible land uses to be developed in accordance with a general development plan which has been designed to be in harmony with surrounding neighborhoods;


    To combine and coordinate architectural styles, building forms and building relationships within the planned developments;


    To improve the design, character and quality of new development;


    To promote the most appropriate use of land;


    To promote the beneficial and economical use of land in the physical and economic development of Monument;


    To provide for necessary commercial, recreational, employment and educational facilities conveniently located to housing;


    To provide for well-located, clean, safe and pleasant industrial sites involving a minimum of strain on transportation facilities;


    To lessen the burden of traffic on streets and highways;


    To conserve the value of the land.

(Ord. No. 05-2010, 2-1-2010)