§ 17.05.100. Right of entry for inspection purposes.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In the interest of public safety, and subject to the requirements and limitations herein, law enforcement officers shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter upon and into any residential structure within the Town where marijuana plants, whether medical or personal use, are being grown or processed for the purpose of conducting an inspection of the premises to determine if the premises comply with the requirements of this chapter.


    Such entry shall be with the permission of the owner or occupant of the residential structure, provided however, if such permission is refused, or the premises are locked and the law enforcement officer has been unable to obtain permissions or access, the law enforcement officer may request, and the Municipal Judge may issue, an inspection warrant pursuant to Section 17.05.110 of this chapter and Rule 241 of the Colorado Municipal Court Rules of Procedure.

(Ord. No. 01-2016 , § 2, 1-19-2016)