§ 17.04.060. Compliance with regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Limitations on all Land and Structures. No land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be designed, erected, altered, used or occupied except in conformity with all regulations established in this title and upon performance of all conditions set forth in this title.


    Limitations on Sales and Rentals of all Land and Structures. No person and no officer or employee thereof (either as owner or as participating principal, agent, servant or employee of such owner) shall sell, rent or lease any land or structure upon the representation, that such land or structure may be used or occupied in a manner or for a use prohibited by this title.


    Limitations on Municipal Agencies. No permit, certificate, license or other document the use of which may be subject to the provisions of this title, shall be issued by any department, agency or board of the Town until the use to be made of the permit, certificate, license, other document is in compliance with the provisions of this title.


    Construction of all site-related improvements shown on Town-approved plats, site plans, PD site plans, or construction documents shall be performed in conformance to the applicable approved plans. Conformance of constructed improvements to approved plans shall be as determined by the Director of Development Services ("Director") or designee. Further regulations are set forth in Sections 17.40.080 and 17.88.050 of this title.


    No person or related entity delinquent in the payment of any money owed to the Town, in any amount or for any purpose, including, but not limited to, any delinquent taxes, permit fees, Court fines, cost or judgments, fees, surcharges or assessments, may be granted any Town permit, other Town discretionary permission or paid any consideration from the Town, pursuant to a contractual obligation or otherwise, until payment in full has been received by the Town or other financial arrangements are made that are satisfactory to the Director of Development Services.

    (Ord. 08-2008 (part); Ord. 13-97 (part): prior code § 13.01.010)

(Ord. No. 18-2014 , 5-5-2014)