§ 16.32.010. Intent.  

Latest version.
  • It is the intent of this chapter to preserve natural and scenic areas and provide for the public health, recreational, and educational needs by ensuring that school, recreational, and open space land and trails are available to the residents and/or employees of developments in conformance with the Town of Monument Comprehensive Plan, the Town of Monument Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan, and Title 16 and 17 of the Town of Monument Code as may be updated from time to time. This shall include that parks, trails, and open space will conform to the goals and policies and meet the adopted standards of the Plan, including park sizes, facilities, and service radii. Trails shall serve the recreational and transportation needs of the subdivision and provide links to schools, the local and regional trail system, parks and open space areas, commercial and employment areas, public transit and other destinations. Open space shall be designated to preserve natural and scenic features including native vegetation, wildlife habitat, and scenic areas. School land shall meet the adopted standards of this chapter and the School District.

(Ord. No. 13-2011, 6-6-2011)