§ 16.12.020. Sketch plat submittal.  

Latest version.
  • The Town may require submission of a sketch plat for the Town's review, prior to the formal submittal of a preliminary plat. A sketch plat may be required by the Director when a planned development sketch plan is not required. This typically would be required for a large residential subdivision prior to submission of a preliminary plat for property that is not zoned planned development. If required, the sketch plat will be reviewed by the department and submitted to the commission and board for public hearing and comments. The planning commission shall make a recommendation on the sketch plat to the board of trustees. The board shall, in a public hearing, approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the plat, based upon review criteria adopted in this title. Except as otherwise provided, approval shall be valid for a period no longer than twenty-four (24) months. The board may grant extensions of approval not to exceed an additional twenty-four (24) months if after review of the plat at a board meeting, the board determines the sketch plat conforms to the current approval criteria for a sketch plat.

(Ord. 29-2007 (part): Ord. 12-97 (part): prior code § 12.04.020)