§ 16.08.010. Subdivision application fees generally.  

Latest version.
  • A fee shall be charged to an applicant for subdivision of property, which fee shall be based upon the specific type of application including but not limited to, sketch plat, preliminary plat, final plat, preliminary/final plat, minor plat and replat, vacation plat, lot line adjustment, minor subdivision, or resubdivision. In addition, there shall be a pass-through of actual costs including but not limited to, consultant's fees, attorneys' fees, advertising, postage and recording fees. Fees shall be paid at the time of application. In order to fund these costs, the applicant shall submit a cash retainer in the amount set forth in the Town's fee schedule as amended from time to time. The Town's expenses for processing the application as described above shall be paid from said retainer. If additional retainer funds are necessary, the Director or designee is authorized to request additional funds. Payment of the additional retainer funds is due within ten (10) days of the date of the invoice and if not paid within thirty (30) days, payment shall be considered to be past due. Such property owners shall also pay interest on any past due unpaid balance at the rate of one and one-half percent per month or eighteen (18) percent per annum in addition to all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees and costs. All application fees and resubmittal fees are due at the time of application or resubmittal. Town staff will not process an application until all required fees have been paid. Payment of the application fee and other fees identified above shall not relieve the applicant from paying any other fee imposed by the Town.

(Ord. 29-2007 (part): Ord. 04-2005 § 1 (part))