§ 16.04.020. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The subdivision of land is the first step in the process of urban development. The arrangement of land parcels for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, utility and other public purposes will determine to a large degree the qualities of health, safety, convenience, environment and general welfare of the Town.


    These regulations are designed, intended and should be administered in a manner to:


    Implement the Town's comprehensive plan;


    Establish adequate and accurate records of land subdivision;


    Harmoniously relate the development of the various tracts of land to the existing community and facilitate the future development of appropriate tracts;


    Provide for adequate, safe and efficient public utilities, transportation, and pedestrian circulation and improvements; and to provide for other general community facilities and public places;


    Provide for light, air, parks, open space, and other spaces for public use;


    Provide for protection from fire, flood, geologic hazards and other dangers; and to provide for proper design of stormwater drainage and streets;


    Provide that the cost of improvements which benefit the tract of land being developed be borne by the owners/developers of the tract, and the costs of improvements which benefit the entire community be borne by the entire community;


    Promote the general health, safety, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Monument;


    Provide for the preservation and conservation of unique or distinctive natural areas, scenic areas and views, natural landmarks, including rock outcroppings, significant wildlife habitats and migration areas, drainage areas, riparian areas, wetlands, historic features and archaeologically sensitive sites, recognizing the irreplaceable character of such resources and the importance to the quality of life in Monument;


    Provide for the preservation and conservation of significant stands of native vegetation;


    Ensure adequate access is provided within the subdivision.

(Ord. 29-2007 (part): Ord. 12-97 (part): prior code § 12.01.020)