Latest version.
  • FOR


    The statutory references listed below refer the code user to state statutes applicable to Colorado cities and towns. They are up to date through the Second Regular Session of the 70th General Assembly (2016).

    General Provisions

    Classification of municipalities
    CRS § 31-1-201 et seq.

    Municipal home rule
    Const. Art. XX

    Ordinances generally
    CRS §§ 31-15-103 and 31-16-101 et seq.

    Codification of ordinances
    CRS § 31-16-201 et seq.

    Penalties for ordinance violations
    CRS § 31-16-101

    Vesting of municipal powers
    CRS § 31-15-101 et seq.

    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(j) and (1)(k)

    Municipal Election Code
    CRS § 31-10-101 et seq.

    Fair Campaign Practices Act
    CRS § 1-45-101 et seq.

    Municipal initiatives, referenda, and referred measures
    CRS § 31-11-101 et seq.

    Administration and Personnel

    Organizational structure and officers of statutory cities
    CRS § 31-4-101 et seq.

    City council-city manager form of government
    CRS § 31-4-201 et seq.

    Organizational structure and officers of statutory towns
    CRS § 31-4-301 et seq.

    Requirements and compensation of officers
    CRS § 31-4-401 et seq.

    Officers' recall
    CRS § 31-4-501 et seq.

    CRS § 31-20-301 et seq.

    Municipal courts
    CRS § 13-10-101 et seq.

    General administrative powers
    CRS § 31-15-201

    Fire, police and street departments
    CRS §§ 31-30-101 et seq., and 29-5-101 et seq.

    Colorado Disaster Emergency Act
    CRS § 24-33.5-701 et seq.

    Board of health
    CRS § 31-15-201(1)(c)

    Housing authority
    CRS § 29-4-201 et seq.

    Planning commission
    CRS § 31-23-201 et seq.

    Public meetings
    CRS § 24-6-401 et seq.

    Revenue and Finance

    General financial powers
    CRS §§ 31-15-301, 31-15-302, and 31-15-901 et seq.

    Fiscal procedures
    CRS §§ 31-20-201, 31-20-202

    CRS § 31-20-401 et seq.

    Local Government Budget Law of CO
    CRS § 29-1-101 et seq.

    Local Government Uniform Accounting Law
    CRS § 29-1-501 et seq.

    Sales or use tax
    CRS § 29-2-101 et seq.

    Property tax
    CRS § 31-20-101 et seq.

    County and Municipality Development Revenue Bond Act
    CRS § 29-3-101 et seq.

    CRS § 31-21-101 et seq.

    Contracts for public improvements
    CRS § 31-15-712

    Rental and leasehold agreements
    CRS § 31-15-801 et seq.

    CRS § 31-15-201(1)(e)

    Improvement districts in municipalities
    CRS §§ 31-25-500.2 et seq. and 31-25-601 et seq.

    Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations

    Regulation of businesses
    CRS § 31-15-501

    Fermented malt beverages
    CRS § 12-46-101 et seq.

    Adult businesses
    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(p)

    Alcoholic beverages
    CRS § 12-47-101 et seq.

    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(n) and CRS § 29-11.9-101 et seq.

    CRS § 24-33.5-2001 et.seq.


    Authority to regulate and control animals
    CRS §§ 31-15-401(1)(i) and 31-15-401(1)(m)

    Health and Safety

    Authority to do all acts to promote the public health
    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(b)

    Building and fire regulations
    CRS § 31-15-601 et seq.

    Authority to declare and abate nuisances
    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(c)

    Noxious weeds
    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(d)

    Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act
    CRS § 25-14-201 et seq.

    CRS §§ 31-15-601(1)(j) and 12-28-101 et seq.

    Hazardous substance incidents
    CRS § 29-22-101 et seq.

    Sanitary standards for jails
    CRS § 31-15-711.5

    Public Peace, Morals and Welfare

    State criminal code
    CRS title 18

    Police powers of municipalities
    CRS § 31-15-401

    CRS § 31-15-401(1)(o)

    Firearms and weapons—In general
    CRS § 18-12-101 et seq.

    Local ordinances on firearms in vehicles preempted
    CRS § 18-12-105.6

    Municipal Court duty to appoint counsel for defendants
    C.R.S. § 13-10-114.5

    Vehicles and Traffic

    Vehicles and traffic generally
    CRS title 42

    Municipal authority to regulate traffic
    CRS § 42-4-103 et seq.

    Driving while intoxicated
    CRS § 42-4-1301 et seq.

    Automated vehicle identification systems
    CRS § 42-4-110.5

    Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places

    Streets and alleys
    CRS § 31-15-702 et seq.

    Public improvements
    CRS § 31-15-711 et seq.

    Establishment of parks in cities
    CRS § 31-25-201 et seq.

    Urban renewal
    CRS § 31-25-101 et seq.

    Public Mall Act of 1970
    CRS § 31-25-401 et seq.

    Public Services

    Municipal utilities
    CRS § 31-15-707

    Water and water systems
    CRS § 31-15-708

    Water rights and works
    CRS § 31-35-101 et seq.

    Sewers and sewer systems
    CRS § 31-15-709

    Water pollution control
    CRS § 31-15-710

    Miscellaneous public improvements
    CRS § 31-15-711

    Solid waste -to-energy incineration
    CRS §§ 31-15-1001 et seq.

    CRS § 31-25-701 et seq.

    Underground conversion of utilities
    CRS § 29-8-101 et seq.

    Energy conservation measures
    CRS §§ 29-12.5-101 et seq.

    Buildings and Construction

    Building and fire regulations
    CRS § 31-15-601 et seq.

    City Housing Law
    CRS § 29-4-101 et seq.


    Municipal Annexation Act of 1965
    CRS § 31-12-101 et seq.


    Subdivision regulations
    CRS § 31-23-214 et seq.

    Plats of cities and towns
    CRS § 31-23-101 et seq.


    Authority to enact zoning regulations
    CRS § 31-23-301 et seq.

    Environmental Protection

    Air quality control program
    CRS § 25-7-101 et seq.

    Water quality control
    CRS § 25-8-101 et seq.

    Water and wastewater treatment facility operators
    CRS § 25-9-101 et seq.

    On-site wastewater treatment act
    CRS § 25-10-101 et seq.

    Radiation control
    CRS § 25-11-101 et seq.

    Noise abatement
    CRS § 25-12-101 et seq.

    Recreation land preservation
    CRS § 25-13-101 et seq.